Jordan Vidrine

Leader | Designer | Developer

Hey there 👋 , I’m a self-taught developer from the Cajun Prairies in rural Louisiana with a background in Industrial Design & People Management. I made the leap into software development in 2019 and havent looked back since!

When not at my computer, I am usually spending time with my family, reading*, gaming**, or creating ambient, electronic, and sometimes house music.

*Just finished 'Children of Memory' by Adrian Tchaikovsky and looking for something new.

**I've recently been enjoying playing the Analogue Pocket 2, a recreation of a childhood favorite of mine -- the Gameboy.

Design Team Manager at Discourse

I’m a focused leader who values camaraderie and accomplishing well defined goals. Staying aligned with company values by keeping our work out in the open, communicating often with my managers, and building rapport with my teammates.

March 2022 - Present

Designer at Discourse

As a generalist, my work ranged from improving the UX & UI of Discourse, website updates, implementing designs on the front-end, & working with Enterprise customers to implement themes & Ember Components for their Discourse communities.

Feb 2020 - March 2022